Nicole Brown, R.Ac, BHK

Nicole is a Registered Acupuncturist with a diploma from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nicole is passionate about supporting one’s wellness and quality of living, at any stage of life, using the many modalities that Chinese Medicine has to offer. She recognizes that every individual is unique and the importance of interconnected health.

Nicole provides compassionate care that focuses on the imbalances in the body and is passionate about how Chinese Medicine practices can support:

  • Mental Health

  • Aesthetic/Cosmetic Care  

  • Digestive Health

  • Sexual Health 

  • Musculoskeletal imbalances / injuries 

Nicole has always been deeply curious about the function, potential and intricacies of the human body. Representing Canada in Sprint Kayaking, Nicole also earned a degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa. Since then, she has spent many years traveling, including studying Yoga in India, and working in the service industry. 

Outside of the clinic, Nicole loves exploring the city on her bike, attending music events, trying new restaurants and cooking for friends!