Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor therapy is offered by Dr. Fiona Callender, one of our Naturopathic Doctors. Pelvic floor therapy is an evidence-based treatment for many conditions of the pelvis including pain, prolapse, and incontinence. It can be a support for many of us through each phase of life including pregnancy, post-partum, athletic pursuits, and menopause. With a thorough assessment of your symptoms as well as a physical exam, you will get a treatment plan that is tailored personally to you and your goals. You can also read our blog post to learn more about pelvic floor therapy and how we can support you.

Working with Dr. Fiona comes with the benefit of working closely with a Naturopathic Doctor. You will receive care that includes lifestyle, nutrition, exercise as well as supplement or herbal supports when appropriate. She will take a whole-person and full-body approach to your concerns, working with you in collaborative and sensitive way.

Although an internal exam - vaginally or rectally - is often part of an assessment, you are ultimately in the drivers seat of your visit. Dr. Fiona will walk you through the process and always get consent before and during the assessment.


Meet & Greet Appointment - Free of charge

INitial Assessment PELVIC health (60 minutes) - $160

follow-up pelvic health (30 minutes) - $100